Issues origins

Origin Science versus Operation Science
Written by Kerby Anderson
Oct. 16, 2007
Recently Probe produced a DVD based small group curriculum entitled Redeeming Darwin: The Intelligent Design Controversy. It has been a great way to inform Christians about Intelligent Design and show them how to use a conversation about this topic to share the gospel. (more)

Intelligent design conference was run by scientists
Posted Saturday, August 27, 2005 – 6:00 am
By Oscar Thorsland
As a retired public high school biology teacher and principal of 36 years, I attended the August conference on “Uncommon Dissent: Scientists Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.” I was, therefore, astounded to read the Aug. 12 column in The Greenville News by Eric Anderson. (more)

Students would learn about evolution’s controversial side. (more)

School Bans ‘Intelligent Design,’ Faces Possible Lawsuit
By Nathan Burchfiel Correspondent
April 25, 2005

( — A conservative legal group is threatening to sue a Michigan school district over the administration’s confiscation of several copies of a science book that teaches the theory of intelligent design in tandem with the theory of evolution. (more)

Georgia Takes on Evolution – ATLANTA,(January 30, 2004) A proposed set of guidelines for middle and high school science classes in Georgia has caused a furor after state education officials removed the word “evolution” and scaled back ideas about the age of Earth and the natural selection of species. Educators across the state said that the document, which was released on the Internet this month, was a veiled effort to bolster creationism and that it would leave the state’s public school graduates at a disadvantage. (more) requires free registration with NY Times

The Rationality of Intelligent Design – Professor William Dembski is a researcher at Baylor University and a Fellow at the Discovery Institute. He is also a leading figure in the intelligent design movement. He has a new book that attempts to answer typical questions and critiques of intelligent design. In an article for Christianity Today Dembski discusses the origin of the intelligent design movement, what he sees as its strengths, and where he believes the movement is going over the next several years. He briefly lays out some of the reasons for accepting intelligent design over naturalistic evolution. We recommend his book, The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design, for your library. (more)

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